California Fashion Icon Style | Julie Sariñana “Sincerely Jules”

LUX Magazine sincerly-jules4 California Fashion Icon Style | Julie Sariñana “Sincerely Jules”

Julie Sariñana “Sincerely Jules” is the consummate Southern Cali girl that lives by the motto ‘Dream , Believe, Achieve’

Julie Sariñana founded Sincerely, Jules (a fashion – style blog 💻 in February 2009).  She now travels the world to exotic and beautiful destinations showing her authentic and bohemian SoCal touch to high fashion and giving her high profile influence to brands that she believes in.  Julie says she had a tough time coming up with a blog name and kept jotting down names in a notebook and it finally dawned on her to call it Sincerely, Jules—as if she was signing off from her everyday journal.

LUX Magazine sincerly-jules3 California Fashion Icon Style | Julie Sariñana “Sincerely Jules”

With the literally millions of Fashion Blogs out there it’s so hard to tell what makes one stand out and be so much more successful than another 🤔.  There are a couple of things that I noticed about Sincerely Jules that can give some insight into why she has become so successful

  1. Perseverance: she started in 2009 and she’s still going strong today.
  2. Authentic style: Julie has a real attractive SoCal comfortable style that she sticks to and doesn’t deviate from even when the brands she works with are varied, she makes it work within her style
  3. Timing of IG blowing up in popularity: so many bloggers that were just on the cusp that had great beautiful images were able to really go into hypergrowth with the growth of IG in the 2012-2014 years

Julie says she likes being inspired by things that she finds cool and intriguing.  Being creative about your inspiration can trigger a different look each day!

LUX Magazine sincerly-jules2 California Fashion Icon Style | Julie Sariñana “Sincerely Jules”

“White jeans aren’t always the easiest to wear let alone style. I sometimes find it hard to find a pair that can be versatile and love the fit, but once you do find the perfect ones, it’s the best thing you can add to your wardrobe- a classic item!”

Sincerely Jules

LUX Magazine sincerly-jules5 California Fashion Icon Style | Julie Sariñana “Sincerely Jules”

“After choosing to create my own path in life, I’ve been supported and even praised by friends and family on following my heart. It feels damn good to do what I want, when I want!”

Sincerely Jules


LUX Magazine sincerly-jules1 California Fashion Icon Style | Julie Sariñana “Sincerely Jules”

“When I’m back home in LA, I always stick to wearing comfy, simple pieces.”

Sincerely Jules